Catagories you can expect to recieve in a csv & xml file are;
Product Name
Short Product Description
Long Product Description
Combined Description
Minimum Sell Price
Trade Price wholesale
Tade Price Drop Ship
Carton Qty
available stock figure
avaiable stock (yes or no)
expected stock
product link
image 1URL 810*540
image 2 URL 810*540
image 3 URL 810*540
image 4 URL 810*540
image 5 URL 810*540
image 6 URL 810*540
EAN-13 barcode
SAMPLE CSV FEED - Here is a sample feed
This feed will be delivered to you as a URL that can be accessed 24/7 and will be live information.
The feed will come as csv and xml.
Images will be delivered in the feed as URLs
All prices with the exception of sell prices will be excluding vat
Any stores found sharing there csv file with another store will have there feed ceased with no refund of set up costs. Each feed will be individual and set on a single user licence.